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City Roadworks

Dear parents,

As we’ve all been experiencing, the city road work has made access to our school building a challenge and requires extra patience and cooperation from all of us. The school staff is trying to help us during this process to safeguard our kids and community members since the most important thing is their safety. It is critical that we understand and adhere to the new traffic pattern.

Please allow for extra time in the morning to navigate this new process and remember we are all in this together, the kids, the families, the staff, neighbours and the roadworkers. Let's be kind and take advantage of this situation to show our kids kindness, patience and empathy.

For questions about this interim traffic pattern please refer to the school’s latest email Parking Mozartlaan 2022 - Google Docs

Kind regards,

Ariadna Martinez PA CHAIR

ISB Parent Association Mozartlaan 35, 4837 EH BREDA, The Netherlands E I Like us on; facebook parents association of international school breda


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